Attach Files or Pictures to an Email
If you have used email in a work environment, sending files and documents as attachments to an email message was an everyday occurrence.
So many people using the iPhone Mail app to send messages are frustrated because they can’t see how to add an attachment to an email function.
It is there but it is not obvious from the app and even after doing the double tap command, the ability to add the attachments is still hidden.
Let’s break this down.
Here are the steps to add an attachment to a message.
Start with a Double Tap
When composing an email message, double tap in the message to retrieve the attachment bar.
If you are using an iPhone, only a beginning of the attachment bar displays on the screen because of space.
1 Swipe to the left to see other options including:
2 Choose Insert Photo or Video to add attachment from your Photos library.
3 Chose Add Attachment to add document from Cloud Library service like OneDrive, iCloud or Google Drive.
4 Insert Drawing – Use your finger or stylus to draw a sketch or diagram. See Nugget N4 – How to Draw or Write in the Notes App for instruction.

Adding attachments to email is truly a hidden nugget as the commands are hidden due to the small screen on iPhones. Double tap in the body of the email message and swipe left to see attachment options.
No Setup necessary
Requires IOS: 11+
Works on iPhone and iPad
Additional Information
Senior Tech Recipe #204 Use your iPhone/iPad to Send and Receive Email covers a more comprehensive set of email function. Membership is required to access.
The Senior Tech Club recommends the following additional resources for members that wish to pursue additional and/or advanced information on this recipe: