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Where Older Adults Come to Learn, Explore and Share Smart Technology

Our Mission

The Senior Tech Club is the online club where older adults come to Learn, Explore and Share Smart Technology.

Is this you?

  • You have a smartphone.  But it just doesn’t seem so smart as you  can only use it for making and receiving calls.
  • You have an  tablet so that you could look at pictures of your family and grandchildren but then the pictures disappear and you can’t find them again.   
  • You want to read books with your smartphone or tablet but the options are too expensive.
  • You opened the box for your new device and the first question you had was “Where is the manual?”
  • You are intimidated when you walk into the retail store seeking help.  It doesn’t seem that they talk English. You wish there was a safe community where you can ask questions.
  • You like to take pictures with your smartphone but don’t know how to get them off of your phone in order to share.
  • You take a class on your device but it ends up like taking a drink from the end of a firehose.  You wish the learning could be delivered in drips.
  • You get help from your kids or grandkids but they don’t have time to help you understand your device.

If this is YOU,  you are in the RIGHT place!

Join the Senior Tech Club and  Learn, Explore and Share new skills to help stay connected and engaged using your smartphones and tablets

At the Senior Tech Club we are all about learning.  And we think the best learning comes through two approaches:

  1. Lessons especially designed for older adults.
  2. Learning needs to be continuous and active, not just a single class or a static book.
  3. Learning and sharing occurring in a safe community of peers.

Learning Designed Especially for Older Adults

Learning at the Senior Tech Club is delivered by Recipes and Nuggets.   Recipes and Nuggets are the brain-friendly way to learn specific functions on your devices.

Recipes are short lessons with step-by-step  guides and are specifically designed for seniors who don’t want want to read a 20-page article or spend a day reading a book.

Nuggets are even shorter lessons that describe hidden gems that are often missed.  When shared, the response is often, “I didn’t know my iPhone could do that.” 

Our recipes and nuggets use simple layouts, large fonts and  video in order to meet the diverse learning styles of Seniors.

With Recipes and Nuggets as the foundation, your learning is continuous and active as opposed to taking a class or reading a book.

A Safe Community for You and Your Peers.

We have developed a safe and understanding community for older adults.  We recognize that the consultants and trainers in the retail stores might know technology but they tend to make it way too intimidating.

Even attending a public class is frequently intimidating and conveys to much information, more than can be consumed at one time. 

Wouldn’t you rather join a community of Older Adults who learn at their own pace and freely ask questions and seek help?

Membership in the Senior Tech Club Room includes a Q&A Forum where you can safely ask your questions.  It is private and only for members.  Use it to connect with an online community of peers who are happy to share and discuss their technical challenges.

Join the Club to:

Learn from an expanding library of 

Learning Recipes

Discover new Features. Find 

Hidden Nuggets

Join our growing community of Thrivers and Learners

Show me your membership plans.

I like what you are saying.  And it’s only $5 per month with the annual plan?

Click the button below to show our membership plans.

Sign up for a Trial membership

You can experience the club first hand by signing up for a 30 day trial program. It’s FREE!

Not sure if the Senior Tech Club is Right for you?

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Click below to learn more about whether the Senior Tech Club right for you?

A Gift of Learning

Are you thinking about giving a parent or loved one a gift of learning?

We have a plan that will allow you to share a membership for ongoing learning.

Plans for your Organization

Do you need a plan for your club or organization?  

We have bulk discount plans that will allow you to share learning across an entire community.