Community Education Group
February 15, 2021 2 – 3:30 PM
I Didn’t Know my iPhone Could Do This!
This is the St. Anthony, Cambridge Isanti and St Louis Park Community Education class, I Didn’t Know my iPhone Could Do this. This this class we explore 8 different features of your iPhone that are often missed and unused. Our list will include:
- Using Widgets
- Dark Mode
- The Magic of Long Press
- Your Photo Favorites
- Using the Magnifier
- Scanning QR Codes
- Do Not Disturb
- Send Text Messages with Special Effects
We will define, demonstrate and explore each of these Nuggets.
See the slide deck and the resources below for more details
Click for Class Instructions.
Here are some key instructions for attending this Zoom online class.
- We use Zoom for this online class. The app is free and there is no need to register for a Zoom account.
- Install the Zoom app before the class. Click on the Zoom class link you received to install the app when prompted. Or click on this link to start and test Zoom meeting to start the installation process.
- We recommend that you use the Zoom app on a different computer or device than your iPhone. This will allow you to explore class topics with your iPhone during the class.
- To attend the class, click on the Zoom Link and select Open App to join the class.
Try to join the class 10 minutes before the start of class.
- More detailed instructions on installing and using Zoom is found by clicking on this topic: How to Attend a Zoom Meeting or Class
Questions: Send an email to don@SeniorTechClub.com if you need help getting connected.
Zoom Class Link
The Zoom Class Link was included in your confirmation email and is here for your convenience.
Topic: Community Education – Things I Didn’t Know Class
Time: Feb 15, 2021 02:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 857 9227 1997
Passcode: 483232
Download Class Handouts/Slides
You can download the class handout/slides from the link below. If you prefer, you can optionally print the slides for your reference during class.
Here is an early version of the slide deck. This deck will certainly be updated the day before class.
View Class Slides
Senior Tech Club Recipes and Nuggets on the topics covered in this class:
Many of us use texting as a basic communication tool. Even our children and grandchildren seem to respond better to texts than phone calls. We can also use texting to stay connected with friends. It’s just an easy way to stay in touch. The Message app on your iPhone and iPad is able to take our texts beyond the basics and allow you to add celebratory flair to a standard text message. In this recipe, you will learn about three enhancements that will add flair to text messaging, 1) Special Animation Effects, 2) Tapback Responses and 3) Handwriting a message. The iPhone camera can read QR (Quick Response) codes that you find on marketing materials, surveys and more. The process is easy and nugget-worthy. The new and somewhat hidden nugget on the Control Center is the ability to customize it adding additional icons and controls. For example, you can could add other frequently used apps and functions. Starting with IOS 11, Apple has provided the Do Not Disturb While Driving function which will help you drive safely by limiting the notifications and alerts you get from messages and text. It will also suppress phone calls unless you are connected to a bluetooth hands-free device. The Photos app has a simple feature that allows you to quickly create a photo album that is similar to the old-fashioned brag books that people used to carry. It is called the Favorites album. In 5 to 10 minutes of marking favorite photos, you can have your brag book ready for holiday gatherings. Do Not Disturb is a function of your iPhone that provides the ability to turn off call and notifications from your device while you live your life. Life would include times where you do not want your iPhone to ring including when you sleep, church services, movies, concerts, meetings and more. Do not disturb also works to send telemarketers or other unwanted callers to voice mail. Since IOS 10, the iPhone has an easy to access Magnifier that will use your iPhones camera and flash as a Magnifier that you can use to read fine print or detail. This recipe will identify how to access the Magnifier, verify the Settings needed to make it available and a couple of essential options for lighting and focus. Today View is a screen of information accessed from your Home screen that gives you a glimpse of your day and access to the things you do most often. The daily glimpse might include your schedule, recent messages, weather, news headlines and more. Your Today View is your collection of Widgets that you can customize. This Nugget shows you how. Dark Mode is a new feature in IOS 13 where the background color is reversed. This Nugget will show you two ways to implement. Long Press is a magical function. This Nugget provides a list of 10 ways that you can use a long press for shortcuts or quick access to functions on your iPhone.
.Image Title Description Sending Texts & iMessages with Special Effects Read QR Codes with your iPhone Add New Icons & Controls to Customize the Control Center Do Not Disturb While Driving Create a Brag Book with Photo Favorites Sleeping and Driving with your iPhone – Exploring Do Not Disturb Use the iPhone Magnifier to Read the Fine Print How to Use Today View and Widgets on your iPhone Using Dark Mode The Magic of Long Press
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