How I Construct a Class.
Over the last five years, I have facilitated dozens of courses for older adults focusing on iPhone, iPad and other technology topics. These courses have been conducted for community education, service, community, and commercial groups. Classes have been facilitated both in person in a classroom and via Zoom and WebEx.
This page describes my method for constructing a class and includes an invitation for any person in the ElderTech Advisors community to use my materials for ideas or assistance for anyone looking to put together a class for older adults.
Special Invitation for ElderTech Advisors Serving the Greater Good
For any non-profit effort in support of helping older adults with technology, I am giving you a license to use my content directly or using copy and paste to assemble your own materials. Please attribute my work to www.SeniorTechClub.com.
Contact me for any paid or commercial efforts.
Over time, my lessons will become obsolete. I tend to update them annually but I make no assertion that I can keep up. I’m just a retired guy trying to do good.
If will remove this page from the website if for some reason I need to end this opportunity.
Guiding Principles
Here are four guiding principles that are important in my training work.
- Keep it short – Use topic-based classes using short lessons. A class is assembled from a collection of lessons. A two-hour class might include 8-10 lessons. I have never taught a general “iPhone” class.
- Learning Does Not Stop at the End of the Class – For every class, I publish an online page that includes the slide deck, sometimes the video, and associated lessons from my catalog.
- Homework is Mandatory for Learning – I will frequently discuss the homework and practice that needs to be completed in order to master a topic.
- Questions are Important – I answer questions during class but am also careful not to let the question of struggle of one individual derail the class. It’s the most challenging balance.
Resources You Can Use
Sample Online Class Pages
Use these online class pages to view the topics, slide decks, and Senior Tech Club lessons that have been assembled. Use the search bar to search for a topic.
Slide Decks
This link include both pdf & ppt files that you can use for presentation ideas or download and edit. The filles are stored on Microsoft OneDrive. Use the Ctrl/Cmd + F search function in your browser to search for a topic.
Lesson Catalog
This link will access the complete lesson catalog for the site. There are currently 150 published lessons that you can use, reference or copy. Feel free to copy and user screenshots or step by step actions for the materials that you develop.
Use the Tag pulldown to filter on specific topics e.g. “Photography” or use the Search bar to search for a word or topic, e.g. “Siri”