Category: iPhone

Notes is More then Plain Text

Notes are good reminders, memory tools and a system for filing information. The Notes app on your iPhone or iPad is a note taking app that is good for capturing all kinds of notes including shopping lists, to-do lists
, trip itineraries, plans,
meeting notes and more

When you combine the app with the other tools on your device including Siri, dictation and even your finger, the app becomes a powerhouse tool for helping you stay organized and engaged.

This recipe will get you started in the Notes app.

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Sleeping and Driving with your iPhone – Exploring Do Not Disturb

Do Not Disturb is a function of your iPhone that provides the ability to turn off call and notifications from your device while you live your life. Life would include times where you do not want your iPhone to ring including when you sleep, church services, movies, concerts, meetings and more. Do not disturb also works to send telemarketers or other unwanted callers to voice mail.

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