Welcome [mepr-account-info field=”first_name”] to the Senior Tech Club Room
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What’s a Recipe?
Lessons at the Senior Tech Club are organized into recipes. Senior Tech Recipes are the brain-friendly way to learn specific functions on your devices. They are short learning nuggets specifically designed for seniors who don’t want want to read a 20-page article or spend a day reading a book. Recipes are easily searched and retrieved when you want to learn a new skill.
Explore and complete Senior Tech Recipes here in the Club Room so that you really cook with your device.
Access the entire catalog of iPhone Senior Tech Recipes.
Access the entire catalog of iPad Senior Tech Recipes.
Access the entire catalog of Recipes for Security and Safety.
Access the entire catalog of Senior Tech Recipes for Apps.
The Senior Tech Club Community QA Forum is safe place to ask your questions and to share with other club members.