Coming Soon! – Android and Video Lessons

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Where Seniors Come to Learn, Explore and Share Smart Technology

Learning Designed Especially for Digital Non-Natives

Learning at the Senior Tech Club is delivered with Recipes and Nuggets.   Recipes and Nuggets are the brain-friendly way to learn specific functions on your devices.

Recipes are short lessons with step-by-step  guides and are specifically designed for older adults who don’t want want to read a 20-page article or spend a day reading a book.

Nuggets are even shorter lessons that describe hidden gems that are often missed.  When shared, the response is often, “I didn’t know my iPhone could do that.” 

Our recipes and nuggets use simple layouts, large fonts and  video in order to meet the diverse learning styles of digital non-natives.

With Recipes and Nuggets as the foundation,  learning is continuous and active as opposed to taking a class or reading a book.

We also keep learning continuous with a regular tips email called News &  Nuggets.  See a sample here.

Check out these samples:

Sleeping and Driving with your iPhone - Exploring Do Not Disturb
Sleeping and Driving with your iPhone – Exploring Do Not Disturb

Do Not Disturb is a function of your iPhone that provides the ability to turn off call and notifications from your device while you live your life. Life would include times where you do not want your iPhone to ring including when you sleep, church services, movies, concerts, meetings and more. Do not disturb also works to send telemarketers or other unwanted callers to voice mail.

How to Use the iPhone Health App  --  It could Save your Life!
How to Use the iPhone Health App — It could Save your Life!

The iPhone Health app has one function, the Medical ID, that could be a life saver for you in a medical emergency by provide ICE information to medical responders. This recipe will show you how to set up Medical ID and other information about the Health app.


How to Fly with your iPhone
How to Fly with your iPhone

You can use your iPhone on an airplane as long as it is in airplane mode. When in airplane mode, use it for reading books and playing games and music. This recipe will show you how to use airplane mode. It’s easy with the Control Center.


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