Learning from a Senior Tech Recipe

Do you want to get the most learning from the Senior Tech Club and Senior Tech Recipes?  This page tells you how to learn from a Senior Tech Recipe.

What is a Senior Tech Recipe?

The Senior Tech Recipe is the bite sized, brain friendly lesson that provides the core learning programs of the Senior Tech Club.  Recipes provide a quick way to teach and deliver content to members in small, very specific bursts of useful topics.

The idea for using recipes as a model actually came from Sharon, a fellow student who said, “What I need is a recipe to learn this.”  Recipes break down specific topics.  Recipes are quick to study and easy to find with the search page.  They do not require hours of reading or exploration to learn a topic.  They will often include video demonstrations to get your started.


Recipe #104 – Airplane Mode

Whether you are on first or 100th recipe, each  recipe provides a consistent format similar to what you see above.  It provides a standard set of tools that you can use to get the most learning in the least amount of time.   Each recipe has a List of Ingredients, Do I need this Recipe, Smart Tips, Practice exercises and a place to ask questions.  Many recipes include video.  Finally, there is feedback from fellow students.

This recipe offers five tips to help you learn efficiently and quickly.



How to find Recipes right for me




Here are those tips:

List of Ingredients

It’s not a recipe without a list of ingredients!

Just like the list of ingredients for a cooking recipe sets the theme and “doability” of a cooking recipe, the List of Ingredients on the upper right of the Senior Tech Recipe provides an outline and table of contents that will guide your learning.  Use the List of Ingredients to see the topics of the recipe, tap or click a topic to take a shortcut to a specific section.  Quickly identify Smart tips and more.

As you use the List of Ingredients to navigate a recipe,  look for the up arrow on the right hand margin that will bring you back to the top of the recipe and the list of ingredients.

Do I  need this recipe?

A question that you should ask about any recipe is, “Do I need this recipe?”  Tap/click the link to review a list of questions that will allow you to explore your answer to this question. We can easily agree that if you already know the answers to these questions, you should not spend time on this recipe.

After reading and reviewing a recipe, you can use these same questions to check for your understanding of the topics of the recipe.

Two Screens or Print

We recommend that two screens or one screen and a printed copy are key ingredients to the successful learning from any recipe that requires methodical study.  So if you have a computer or laptop or an iPhone and iPad, consider displaying this recipe on a second screen while using your device to explore and follow instructions.  If you don’t have two screens, consider printing out the recipe.  The List of Ingredients area provides a link that you can use to retrieve a printable copy of the recipe.

Smart Tips

The List of Ingredients will provide shortcuts links that you can use to access any Senior Smart Tips found in the recipe.  Senior Smart Tips are simple, valuable tips and nuggets of information that will make you smarter and more effective with your device.  Even if you decide that you already know the topics of a particular recipe, a quick review of the Smart TIps might still provide a valuable nugget or validate something that you already do.

Before you Leave – Feedback & Questions

Before you leave a recipe, you have two ways to provide feedback or ask questions.  Under Rate this Recipe, please rate the recipe on its usefulness and quality.  Providing this feedback will also mark that you have completed this recipe and remove it from your recommendations.

If you have comments or questions on the topic, the comments and question section provides a safe place to ask a question or share in other approaches that work for you.  You can also respond to questions posed by other members.  The Senior Tech club is all about Seniors helping Seniors.

Getting Started – Video First

Want a recommendation on where to start with any recipe?  Start with the “Do I need this recipe?” If you decide the answer is “Yes, go next to the move the video.  It only takes 5 to 10 minutes and then you can use the printed material  to review what you learned in the video.

Have questions or comments about these tips?  Submit your questions or comments below.



List of Ingredients

Use the links below to quickly access specific topic or information about this recipe.



Learning from a Senior Tech Recipe

by | Oct 25, 2017