This is the online page for the Gifts for Seniors Digital Connection Committee.

We will use this this site in our work to alleviate social isolation and loneliness through the use of technology. 

Committee Meetings

Gifts for Seniors responds to two vital challenges that impact older adults – social isolation and loneliness.  Loneliness and isolation can literally kill. The mission of the Tablets for Seniors program is to  tackle loneliness and social isolation by providing tablets to older adults that help them stay connected and engaged.  

The role of the GFS Digital Connection Committee is to help improve the outcome and reach of its Tablets for Seniors program.  We are looking for your insight and creative ideas.  

It’s a Big Space and Challenge, Let’s Start with Three Questions

We know our mission is a big task.  We would like to start by addressing three vital questions that are relevant to the program’s expansion and improvement plans.   Each of the committee’s meetings will focus on one questions that we will explore as a group.

Meeting/Question #1

How does Gifts for Seniors connect and engage with older adults who face social isolation and loneliness?

Meeting/Question #2

How can technology help? What apps or functions are most critical to alleviating social isolation and loneliness?

Meeting/Question #3

What are important teaching approaches that will help older adults use their devices to be engaged and connected?

The Gifts for Seniors Digital Connection Committee

Role & Activities
  • Participate in monthly Zoom meetings from April through June 2023. Estimated 60 – 90 minutes per meeting.
  • Understand the GFS Tablet for Seniors program from meeting presentations and materials provided to the committee.  
  • Understand and validate the needs and potential benefits of the GFS Tablets for Seniors program. 
  • Respond to committee surveys to the best of your knowledge about the topic
  • Review the data and insight gained from surveys and testimonials conducted by GFS staff and partners.
  • Offer advice on improvements and resources. Collaborate on recommendations.  
  • Review the committee’s final report that will be sent to the Office of Broadband Development.
Committee Members

The Gifts for Seniors Digital Connection Committee Members


Carolyn Deters – CoChair Don Frederiksen – CoChair
Patsy Bartley – Meeting Chair Susan Krautbauer
Paul Foldes John Schleis
Joan Green Joel Prevost
Julia Ockuly Jamie Andrews
Kristina Kwan


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DCC Conversations

Minnesota Digital Equity Plan

The GFS Digital Connection Committee was formed with support from MN DEED’s Office of Broadband Development.  The Office of Broadband Development has award a mini-grant to GFS which it will use to gather information about local digital inclusion strengths, needs, and goals.  In addition to the work of the DCC, Gifts for Seniors will be surveying users, organization partners and the general public to create a portfolio of information and data that will be shared with the Office of Broadband Development.  This information will be used to shape Minnesota’s digital equity plan for 2024. 

Click the button below to learn more about the Digital Inclusion program from the State of Minnesota.