IOS 12 Update – Log and Impressions
I’ve upgraded my personal iPhone 6 to IOS 12.0.1. After I wrote, IOS 12, I’m Interested by Remind me Later, I waited only a few days for the release of 12.0.1. I let the rest of the marketplace offer their opinions about the fix and on October 15 I decided to do the update.
This post will log that event. Over the next couple of weeks, I intend to log my impressions, discoveries and activities associated with the update. I do this in order to help others that may be embarking on this path.

October 17 – Exploration
I did not see the same battery drain on morning two of my exploration. Thank goodness.
October 16 – Fast Battery Drain
One of the first discoveries was that after I uplugged my phone from its overnight charging, I went about my normal morning routine. And when I sat down in my office about 6 AM, I noticed that my battery capacity had drained to 32%. This was all without really using the phone. I decided not to panic as I had heard about initial battery drain as the IOS update causes some updates and index activity. I plugged my phone in for charging. I will monitor to see what happens on this issue tomorrow.
Pleased that my everyday functions for making calls and sending text messages did not change. No new skills required for the most basic functions.
Launch the Books (formerly iBooks) app to check out what was new. There is a new Library, Book Store and support for Audiobooks. I’ll be checking this out later.
October 15 – Time to Update
I was monitoring a few of the sites where the marketplace is able to review the latest discoveries. I decided that the time for the update was here.
I actually followed the recommendations of the Senior Tech Club Recipe #014 How to Perform an IOS update and made sure that I had a good backup available in iCloud and was plugged in to my charger and on WiFi.
The update took about 15 minutes and my phone came alive with the new version of IOS and there were no initial concerns.
October 11 – Facebook Post – Forbes review of the IOS 12.0.1 update
This was a Facebook post to the Senior Tech Club page were I linked to an article on the Forbes web site that recommended waiting before updating.
October 1 – IOS 12 I’m Very Interested But Remind Me Later
This was the post that I wrote where I acknowledged the IOS update but decided to wait for a fix release before updating.