Better iPhone Photography

The iPhone’s Camera is a surprising powerhouse capable of taking awesome photos. However many older adults never get beyond basic point and shoot capabilities of their device. The Better iPhone Photography course will help you use your iPhone camera to its full potential.
Topics you will learn include:
- Learn the various methods for launching the Camera app and pressing the shutter.
- Understand the features and controls in your iPhone camera including many hidden features.
- Use easy composition techniques that will instantly improve your iPhone photography.
- Manually control the focus and exposure for extra-sharp and well exposed photos.
- Understand the many photo mode and how to create amazing panorama, portraits and more.
- How and when to use the “Live Photo” feature and more importantly, when you shouldn’t use it.
- How to manage, organize and find your photos in your Photos apps.
- Learn the basics of photo editing including crop, filters and markup.
- Know how to share the photos in your Photo Library
Course description video from
Don Frederiksen
Enrolled Students can gather on Zoom every Tuesday morning to ask questions and explore important course topics. Every week you will receive an email identifying the week’s lessons that you should explore during the weeks. In the Tuesday Zoom sessions we will explore questions that student have entered at the bottom of the lessons or new questions that are posed during the session.
The Senior Tech Tuesday Sessions are casual and always informative. They are scheduled for Tuesday mornings at 10 AM CT.
Course Lessons